1. Complete our online contact form with the following information:
(1) Parent Name
(2) Parent Phone
(3) Parent E-mail
(4) Student Name
(5) Student’s Age
(6) Student’s School
(7) Student’s Grade Level
(8) Student’s Availability (Days & Times)
2. This step is separated specifically based on each program you are signing up for:
(1) FOR GENERAL SUBJECTS (ELEMENTARY THROUGH HIGH SCHOOL): Find and set aside any report cards or progress reports from your student’s teacher(s), guidance counselor(s), and principal. Our management staff will ask you for any information you have so that we may make our best tutor recommendations, as well as developing a learning plan based on your student’s needs!
(2) FOR SAT/ACT PREP: Find and set aside any PSAT and ACT practice exam scores, or official SAT or ACT scores (accompanied by a detailed score report if possible). Our office staff will ask you for any information you have so that we may make our best recommendations on which exam to tutor for and take, as well as developing a learning plan around already existing scores.
(3) FOR SPECIAL NEEDS: At A+ Skills, we work with your student’s teacher(s), psychologist(s), guidance counselor(s), and principal in developing a learning plan that will best suit your special needs student’s needs. We do our absolute best to base our learning plan and teaching strategies around any input your student’s educators may provide, as well as follow the guidelines of their already instituted IEP or 504 Learning Plans.
3. Wait for our office to call, answer any of your questions, and
set a schedule for your student!