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AA+ Skills™ adds new Middle School Readiness Session. Click here to learn more.

A+ Skills™ continues to add staff:

Irene received her BA from Florida State University, and her MS and two additional one year post Masters Certificates from Central Connecticut University. She has thirty years of teaching experience, mostly in Connecticut. Her tutoring expertise is at the high school level in Reading, English and French.

Marlene received her Masters and Bachelors degrees in Maryland at Towson State Teachers College.  On several occasions during her twenty plus years teaching career she was named to the “Who’s Who Among America’s Best Teachers”.  Marlene’s experience is at the Elementary and Middle School levels, particularly in the Gifted and Talented areas.

Jorge received his Ph.D. and M.A degrees from The University of California and his S.B Degree from M.I.T.  All three degrees are in the mathematics area.  Currently a University Professor in Mathematics, he brings a wealth of background in the Advanced Mathematics and Computer Science areas.

These former and current teachers joins the other twenty A+ Skills™ Tutors currently providing a broad range of tutoring services in Naples.

For more information, contact us.

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