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Welcome to A+ Skills SAT™ & ACT® Prep™ where we are dedicated to student success on the SAT™ and ACT® exams! With competition at a peak for college admissions we are continuing our reduced fee packages to make this college preparation more affordable! The hourly rate for One-to-One private tutoring is $ 60 per hour and a discounted 10 hour package is offered at $ 467.00 and a 5 hour package is $267.00. To succeed on either of these tests, packages are highly recommended.

SAT Prep Naples and ACT Prep Naples – This college prep instruction is offered in either a One-to-One, or small group setting. Students work under the tutelage of our highly trained staff. The objective of A+ Skills SAT™ & ACT® Prep™ is to increase each student’s emotional confidence and SAT™ and/or their ACT® scores significantly. That said, it must be understood that achieving this goal takes student dedication to the SAT™/ACT® test preparation process including attendance at all scheduled sessions as well as timely completion of all homework assignments.  Also, we suggest that students practice, practice and more practice so that they become easily comfortable with the instructions and formats, etc.

We recommend that each student take an individualized SAT™ or ACT® diagnostic evaluation which we provide and which is based on real SAT™ and ACT® practice tests. The purpose of the diagnostic is to focus student efforts to the weaker areas while cutting down the time spent on the stronger areas.

Also included in our training will be the very important general and specific problem and test taking strategies to maximize each student’s results. Students will learn and practice alternative methods to solve certain types of questions and will practice self-pacing for the lengthy exams.

A primary benefit of the One-to One and Tutoring Buddies test preparation approach is to focus on the student’s weaker areas which when combined with the use of the diagnostic test is quite powerful as many of our past students have shown. Take a look at the MANY happy testimonials! 

Upcoming Fall/Winter/Spring 2015-2016 Student Opportunities

Each student is different – hence we are offering our SAT™ and ACT® program two ways:

As One-to-One Tutoring where the tutor can totally personalize the experience including the tutoring times.

This preparation is being offered for all SAT™ and ACT® exam dates.

A Buddy Program is offered to reduce student costs and is being offered for all SAT™ and ACT® exam dates. Since the students are preparing for the same test, some families may wish to have their students prepare with a friend or school-mate.  Packages are priced at $320 for 2 students and $265 per student for 3 students for the 10 hour package.

Material Content – SAT™

The content of the course will include basic verbal and mathematics skills, test-taking and SAT™ specific strategies, and practice tests for all three sections of the SAT™ – Mathematics, Critical Reading, and Writing/Essay.

Sample Course Outline – SAT™ VERBAL

Introduction to Test – Essay, Reading, Writing
Critical Reading Passages
SAT Practice Test in Verbal
Prefixes, Vocabulary, Sentence Completions
Grammar, Essay

Sample Course Outline – SAT™ MATH

Introduction to Test – Math
Multiple Choice Math
SAT Practice Test in Math
Math Review
Student Response Math

Material Content – ACT®

The ACT® exam is a set of four multiple choice tests covering English, Reading, Math, Science Reasoning and an Essay.

Sample Course Outline – English/Reading Comprehension

Introduction to Test–Written English/Rhetorical Skills
Usage/Mechanics, Grammar
Practice Real Test – English/Reading
Reading Passages, Vocabulary
Reading Passages, Essay

Sample Course Outline – Mathematics/Science

Introduction to Test – Math/Science
Science Review
Practice Real Math & Science Tests
Math Review
Math Review/Science Review

All One-to-One sessions are at the student
and Tutor’s mutual convenience.


Diagnostic Test – $85.00 for clients and $225.00 for non-clients

Additional Information

For more information please contact Debbie Mandell directly at 239-254-9807 or by email at

We look forward to assisting students with their PSAT™ or SAT™ and ACT® test preparation.

Debbie Mandell

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